Guide  to  Europe

Edirne – Selimiye Camii

Selimija džamija

Izgrađena je u periodu od 1569. do 1575. godine po nalogu sultana Selima II u jeku vojne i kulturne moći Osmanskog carstva. Smatra se remek-djelom i najvišim postignućem najvećeg osmanskog arhitekte i graditelja Mimara Sinana (1489.-1588.). Projektovana je u klasičnom osmanskom stilu i pozicionirana na vrhu brda. Pažljivo je odabrana lokacija za izgradnju Selimija-džamije, izgrađene na uzvisini i  uočljiva je na daljinu što pokazuje da je Mimar Sinan bio izuzetan urbanista. Selimija-džamija sa jednom velikim kupolom i četiri vitke munare dominira linijom horizonta bivšeg osmanskog glavnog grada. Centralna kupola Selimija-džamije se vidi sa sve četiri strane grada, visoka je 43,28 m i ima raspon od 33 m. Za dva aršina je veća od kupole Aja Sofije koja predstavlja remek-djelo vizantijske arhitekture i umjetnosti uopće. Kupolu Selimija-džamije nosi osam snažnih stubova. Na razini lukova sa četiri potporna luka na uglovima pokrivenih polukupolama, vezana je za kvadratnu osnovu. Ispred džamije nalazi se harem ili centralno dvorište sa šadrvanom. Džamija ima četiri minareta (70,9 metara) sa po tri šerefeta. Pored veličanstvene džamije su medresa, bazar, sahat-kula, vanjsko dvorište i knjižara, koji djeluju kao jedinstvena institucija. Nalazi se  na UNESCO-voj listi svjetske baštine

Selimiye Mosque

was built in the period from 1569 to 1575 by order of Sultan Selim II in the midst of military and cultural power of the Ottoman Empire. It is considered a masterpiece of the highest attainment of the greatest Ottoman architect and builder Mimar Sinan (1489-1588). It was designed in the classical Ottoman style and positioned on top of the hill. They carefully selected the location for the construction of Selim mosque, as it is built on a hill and is visible at a distance indicating that Mimar Sinan was a remarkable urban planner. Selimiye Mosque with one large dome and four slender minarets dominates the skyline of the former Ottoman capital. The central dome of the mosque is to see all four sides of the city, was 43.28m high and it has a range of 33m. For two yardsticks it is higher than the dome of Hagia Sophia, which is a masterpiece of Byzantine architecture and art in general. The dome of Selimiye Mosque is carrying eight strong pillars. At the level of arches with four support port on the corners it is covered with semi-domes, related to the square foundation. In front of the mosque is a harem or a central courtyard with fountain. The mosque has four minarets (70.9 meters) with three balconies. In addition to the magnificent mosque there are a madrassa, bazaar, clock tower, outer courtyard and bookstore, which acts as a single institution. It is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.




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