Guide  to  Europe

Istanbul – Yeni Cami

Nova džamija

Dok su se gradile džamije svaka je privremeno nazvana ‘Nova’, a kasnije su dobivale svoje ime. Jedino je ova i dalje ostala ‘Nova’. Gradnja je počela 1597. godine na inicijativu Valide Safiye, supruge Sultana Murada III, po projektu Davut Ağe, učenika Mimara Sinana. Nakon Davut Ağe gradnja je nastavljena pod nadzorom Dalgıç Ahmet Age, koja je dugo trajala. Konačno gradnju je dovršila druga žena, Valide Sultan Turhan Hattice, majka Mehmeta IV. Zvanično je otvorena 1663. godine, a završni projekat je uradio Mustafa Ağa. Iza džamije se nalazi turbe Valide Sultan Turhan Hattice, u kojem su još mezari od II. Mustafa, I. Mahmut, III. Ahmet i IV Mehmet. Pored džamije nalazi se Mısır Çarşısı (Egipatski bazar) koji je izgrađen 1664. godine.

New Mosque

During the period when many mosques were being built, each new mosque was given the name “New Mosque”, but later got another name. This is the only mosque that was given the name “New Mosque” and got no other name. Its construction was commissioned by Valide Safiye, the wife of Sultan Murad III, in  1597, based on a project by Davut Ağa, a student of Mimara Sinana. After Davut Ağa passed away, the construction, which lasted quite a while, was supervised by Dalgıç Ahmet Ağa. Finally, its construction was completed in the time of another woman of the Ottoman Court, Valide Sultan Turhan Hatice, the mother of Mehmet IV. It was officially opened in 1663, and the final project was conducted by Mustafa Ağa. The mausoleum of Valide Sultan Turhan Hatice is located behind the mosque. It also contains the graves of Mustafa II, Mahmut I, Ahmet III and Mehmet IV. Next to the mosque is the Mısır Çarşısı (Spice Bazaar), which was built in 1664.


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