Tvrđava Srebrenik se spominje početkom 14. vijeka. Podignuta je na uzvisini koja je činila nepristupačnom za napade. Spada u najočuvanije srednjovijekovne tvrđave u Bosni i Hercegovini. Sastoji se iz tri povezana dijela, ima četiri kule i manji dvorac. Bedemi koji su činili glavni odbrambeni omotač grada i vanjski zidovi kula, debljine su oko 1,5 m. Na vrhu stijene iznad gradske kule-kapije nalazi se veliki, vrlo karakterističan donžon, koji je predstavljao glavnu kulu, odnosno najjaču kulu u tvrđavi…
The fort Tvrđava Srebrenik is mentioned in the beginning of the 14th century and was built on a mound which made it inconvenient for attack. It is among the best preserved Middle Ages forts in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The fort Tvrđava Srebrenik consists of three connected parts, has four towers and a smaller castle. The fortified walls which were the main defensive layer of the town and the outer walls of the towers are about 1.5 meters thick. At the top of the rock above the town tower-gate there is a large, very characteristic donjon (keep) which was the main, strongest tower in the fort.