Franjevci su svoju prvu crkvu i samostan izgradili u 14. vijeku na Pazarnicama. Današnja crkva izgrađena je 1888. godine. Ostatak kompleksa Franjevačkog samostana građen je u različitim vremenskim periodima. Zgrada samostana izgrađena 1865. godine koja je u sebi sadržavala biblioteku i muzej, srušena je zbog svoje dotrajalosti, a na tom mjestu podignuta je nova zgrada (2001.godine). Samostanski arhiv je bogat raznovrsnom i vrijednom građom. A arhivu se čuva ahdnama iz 1463. godine (prepis originalnog dokumenta), kojom sultan daje franjevcima slobodu d ostanu i djeluju unutar Carstva, ferman sultana Bajazita II. Iz 1483. godine, kojim se štite prava franjevaca i katolika i dr…
The Franciscans built their first church and monastery in the 14th century in Pazarnice. The present day church was built in 1888. The rest of the complex of the Franciscan monastery was built in different periods. The monastery building was constructed in 1865 and it contained a library and a museum. It was destroyed due to its old age and a new building was raised in its place in 2001. The monastery has a very rich archive. The archive keeps the ahd-nama from 1463 (transcription of the original document) by which the Sultan gives the right to the Franciscans to stay and live inside the Empire, and the ferman (decree) of Sultan Bajazit II from 1483 which protects the rights of Franciscans and Catholics.