Guide  to  Europe

Trebinje – Arslanagića most / Arnslanagić Bridge

…prolazimo pored muzeja, izlazimo na most, prelazimo ga lijevom stranom, na kraju kojeg skrećemo lijevo i spuštamo se na predivno šetalište duž toka rijeke Trebišnjice. Prilikom šetnje sa lijeve strane primjetit ćemo stare kamene kuće koje se oslikavaju na površini vode. Šetnju nastavljamo u pravcu Arslanagića mosta kojeg je 1574. godine izgradio Mehmed-paša Sokolović. Zbog gradnje hidrocentrale most je premješten četiri kilometra nizvodno, na današnju lokaciju.

…we pass by the museum, go out to the bridge, cross it on the left side and at the end turn left and descend to a beautiful promenade along thecourseof the Trebišnjica river. Walking along the left bank we will notice old stone buildings reflecting on the surface of the water. We continue walking towards the Arslanagića bridge which was built by Mehmet-pasha Sokolu in 1574. Because of the construction of the hydroelectric power plant the bridge was relocated 4 kilometers downstream to its present location.


Trebinje 34Trebinje 34


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