Guide  to  Europe

Pisa – Katedrala / Cathedral (Duomo di Santa Maria Assunta)

Predstavlja remek-djelo romaničke arhitekture, sa uticajem vizantske arhitekture. Izgradnja koja je trajala više decenija započeta je 1064. godine po planovima arhitekte Buscheta. Katedrala u Pisi i prateće građevine obložene su bijelim mermerom sa bijelim prugama i ornamentima tamno zelenog mermera. Ovaj običaj poznat je iz vremena carskog Rima, sačuvao se tokom srednjeg vijeka samo u središnjoj Italiji. Fasada na katedrali djelo je čuvenog i tada vrlo cijenjenog graditelja Rainalda.

The cathedral represents a masterpiece of Roman architecture, and it shows a great Byzantine influence. The construction process, which lasted several decades, began in 1064, based on architectural blueprints by Italian architect Buscheto. The cathedral and its surrounding buildings are covered by white marble with white stripes and ornaments of dark green marble. This custom, which dates back to the Roman Empire, was kept in central Italy during the Middle Ages. The façade of the cathedral was done by the famous and highly esteemed master Rainaldo, who was highly appreciated even during his era.




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