Guide  to  Europe

Zenica – Tvrđava Vranduk / Fortress

Tvrđava Vranduk je srednjovjekovna utvrda udaljena oko 14 km od Zenice. Smatra se da je podignuta krajem 14. vijeka. Osmanlije su ga zauzele 1463. godine. Nakon osvajanja izgrađena je džamija Sultana Fatiha Mehmeda II. U tvrđavi se nalazi arheološko-historijska postavka koja se odnosi na srednjovjekovni period i etnološka postavka smještena u objektu tadicionalne bosanske kuće koja se odnosi na osmanski period.

Radno vrijeme: svaki dan od 08:00 do 19:00 sati.

Vranduk is a fort from the Middle Ages about 14 km far from Zenica. It is considered to have been built at the end of the 14th century. The Ottomans conquered it in 1463. After the conquest the mosque of Sultan Mehmed Fatih II was built. In the fort there is an archaeological historic displaywhich is about the Middle Ages period and an ethnological display located in an object which is a traditional Bosnian house and is about the Ottoman period.

Working hours: Every day from 08:00 a.m. to 07:00 p.m.


Zenica (5)Zenica (5)


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