Ulaskom u harem džamije dolazimo do šadrvana, koji služi za uzimanje abdesta. S desne strane harema naknadno su izgrađene muška i ženska abdesthana. Ispod abdesthana nalaze se turbeti. Džamija izgrađena je 1530. godine po projektu Ajem Esir Alija…
Pored džamije nalazi se Sahat-kula također izgrađena kao zadužbina Gazi Husrev-bega. Sat pokazuje vrijeme po lunarnom kalendaru…
By entering the yard (harem) of the Gazi Husrev-bey Mosque we reach a fountain (šadrvan ) which is used for washing before prayer (abdest). On the right side of the harem is an additionally created object called an abdesthana for men and women which is also used before prayer for abdest. Below the abdesthana are tombstones (turbeti). The mosque was built in 1530 by the project of Ajem Esir Alija…
Next to the mosque is the Clock Tower (Sahat-kula) which was also built as a trust by Gazi Husrev-beg. The clock shows the time according to the lunar calendar…
Sarajevo 2 (7)
Sarajevo 2 (11)