Mogorjelo kod Čapljine je spomenik iz rimskog perioda, gdje je u 1. vijeku izgrađena vila na poljoprivrednom imanju. U 3. vijeku vila je izgorjela od požara, te je početkom 4. vijeka izgrađena velika utvrđena vila, po uzoru na kastrume (vojne logore). Bila je pravougaonog oblika, opasana bedemima i kulama. Opskrbljivala je rimski grad Naronu i imala je odbrambenu funkciju. Krajem 4. vijeka, osvojili su je i djelimično uništili Vizigoti. U 5. vijeku izgrađene su ranokršćanske bazilike na mjestu postojećih zidnih utvrada.
Mogorjelo near Chapljina is a monument from the Roman period where in the 1st century a villa was built on an agricultural estate. The villa burned down in a fire in the 3rd century and in the 4th century a large fortified villa was built based on the castrums – military forts. The villa was of rectangular shape, surrounded by fortifications and towers. It supplied the Roman city of Naron and had a defensive role. At the end of the 4th century it was conquered and partially destroyed by the Visigoths. In the 5th century early Christian basilicas were built in the place of existing fortification walls.