Guide  to  Europe

Sarajevo – Baščaršija / Old Town

Baščaršija je izgrađena od strane osnivača grada Isa-bega Ishakovića. Na čaršiji se nalazi veliki broja znamenitosti kao što su Baščaršijska i Gazi Husrev-begova džamija, veliki broj zanatskih radnji, ćevabdžinice, aščinice…

Sebilj je izgrađen 1891. godine u pseudomaurskom stilu, po projektu češkog arhitekte Aleksandra Viteka.

Kazandžiluk je jedna od najreprezentativnijih ulica na Baščaršiji. Kao i sve ostale ulice na Baščaršiji i ova nosi ime po zanatu koji se u njoj obavlja. U njoj možemo pronaći predmete od bakra, kalaja, olova i sl. kao što su džezve, fildžani, ibrici…

Baščaršija was built by the city founder Isa-beg Ishaković. There is a large number of landmarks such as the Baščaršijska and Gazi Husrev-beg mosques, many craft shops, čevabdžinice (steak houses) aščinice (traditional food restaurants).

Sebilj was built in 1891 in the Pseudo-Moorish style according to the project of the Czech architect Alexander Vitek.

Coppersmith alley is one of the most representative alleys in Baščaršija. As the other alleys in Baščaršiya it is also named by the craftwhich is practiced in it. In it we can find products made of copper, tin or lead such as Džezva (coffee pot), fildžan (coffee cup), ibrik (pitcher).




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