Guide  to  Europe


Glavni je i sa 370.000 stanovnika najveći grad talijanske pokrajine Toskana. Etrušćani su naselili ovo područje još u 8. vijeku p.n.e. Rimljani su u 1. vijeku p.n.e. pod vodstvom vojskovođe Gaja Julija Cezara izgradili utvrđenje i nazvali ga Florentia. Nakon Rimskog carstva gradom su vladali Ostrogoti,  Vizantijci, Langobardi, Hazburzi i dr. Bila je prijestolnica Velikog vojvodstva Toskane, (dva vijeka je bila pod vojvodstvom članova porodice Mediči), a poslije prvi glavni grad Kraljevine Italije. Stari dio grada je pod zaštitom UNESCO-a.

Florence is the capital and the largest city of the Italian province Tuscany, with a population of 370,000 inhabitants. The Etruscans inhabited this region in 8th century BC. The Romans, led by Gaius Julius Caesar, built a fortification in 1st century BC and called it Florentia. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Florence was governed by the Ostrogoths, Byzantines, Lombards, Habsburgs and others. It was the capital of the Grand Duke of Tuscany (governed by members of the House of Medici for two centuries), and afterwards it became the first capital of the Kingdom of Italy. The old part of the city is under UNESCO protection.


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