Bosna i Hercegovina se nalazi u jugoistočnoj Evropi na Balkanskom poluotoku. Poznata je po svojim prirodnim ljepotama, kulturnom baštinom, arhitekturom i bogatom kuhinjom.
Bosna i Hercegovina ima izuzetno bogato kulturno-historijsko naslijeđe od prahistorijskog perioda sa značajnim nalazištima koja datiraju još od 12.000 godina p.n.e.
Naslijeđe iz rimskog perioda od 1. do 7. vijeka naše ere i srednjeg vijeka od 7. vijeka do 1463. godine, osmanskog perioda od 1463. do 1878. godine, austrougarskog 1878. do 1918. godine, perioda između dva svjetska rata i poslije Drugog svjetskog rata od 1945. do 1985. godine.
Agresijom na Bosnu i Hercegovinu u periodu od 1992. do 1995. godine, nanešena je ogromna šteta i u velikoj mjeri uništeno kulturno naslijeđe, gdje su neki vrlo značajni kulturno-historijski spomenici u potpunosti srušeni. Danas se uspješno vrši njihovo obnavljanje.
Najveći broj znamenitosti potječu iz osmanskog i austorougarskog perioda. Pronađeni su arheološki ostaci iz neolitskog perioda, kamenog, metalnog, bronzanog doba i srednjeg vijeka. U stambenoj arhitekturi u periodu nakon 15. vijeka u dvorištima kuća dominiralo je zelenilo, a pored mahalskih i čaršijskih džamija tekla je voda iz česmi.
Bosna i Hercegovina ima oko 4.000.000 stanovnika, od tog njen glavni grad Sarajevo oko 400.000. Sastavljena je od dva entiteta Federacije, Republike Srpske i Brčko distrikta.
U Sarajevu su održane XIV zmiske olimpijske igre, a oko grada se nalaze olimpijske planine: Jahorina, Bjelašnica, Igman u Trebević, omiljena izletišta Sarajlija.
Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country in Southeastern Europe located on the Balkan Peninsula. It is renowned for its natural beauty, cultural heritage, architecture and rich cuisine.
Bosnia and Herzegovina has a very rich cultural and historic heritage since the prehistoric period with important sites dating back to 12.000 years B.C.
It encompasses the heritage from the Roman period between the 1st and 7th century A.D. and the Middle Ages from the 7th century until 1463, followed by the Ottoman period from 1463 until 1878, the Austro-Hungarian 1878-1918, and the period between two world wars and after World War II from 1945 until 1985.
During the aggression war on Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period from 1992 until 1995 the cultural heritage suffered extensive damage and a large portion of it was destroyed, where some very important historic-cultural monuments were demolished. Today their reconstruction is well under way.
The majority of landmarksare from the middle age, Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian period. Archeological sites were discovered from the Neolithic Age, Stone Age, Iron Age, Bronze Age and the Middle Ages.
In residential architecture in the period after the 15th century green gardens dominated most house yards and water was flowing from taps next to the neighbourhood Mahala and the market square Čaršijske mosques.
Bosnia and Herzegovina has around 4.000.000 citizens and the capital city Sarajevo around 400.000 citizens. The country’s political structure consists of two entities, the Federation of B&H and the Republic of Srpska, as well as the district Brčko.
The XIV Winter Olympic games were held in the city of Sarajevo and around the city there are Olympic mountains: Jahorina, Bjelašnica, Igman and Trebević, which are places of popularresortfor the citizens of Sarajevo.
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You forgot to mention that most beautiful women also live in Bosnia 😛
Hvala. Pozz
Dobrodosao na VOXXYZ. 🙂
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