Guide  to  Europe


Srebrenica je jedan od najstarijih gradova u Bosni i Hercegovini. Kroz historiju promijenila je nekoliko imena, kao što su Domavia, Argentarija, Argentum, Bosnia Argentaria. Područje je bilo bogato rudom srebra koje se u Rimskom carstvu koristilo za kovanje novca. Za vrijeme agresije na Bosnu i Hercegovinu Srebrenica je bila „zaštićena zona“ Ujedinjenih nacija. Bez obzira na to udružene srpske jedinice iz Srbije i Bosne i Hercegovine 11. jula 1995., zauzimaju Srebrenicu i čine nad nevinim civilnim Bošnjačkim narodom najveći genocid nakon Drugog svjetskog rata. Tom prilikom na najokrutniji način ubijeno je preko 8.000 građana Srebrenice. U sklopu obilježavanja godišnjice genocida nad Bošnjacima u Srebrenici i njenoj okolini s ciljem odavanja počasti žrtvama genocida svake godine od 8. do 10. jula, održava Marš mira (pješački pohod). U koloni učestvuju hiljade građana iz cijelog svijeta kako bi podsjetili na stravične zloćine i animirali sve relevante međunarodne institucije na hapšenje i procesuiranje osoba odgovornih za počinjene zločine. U Potočarima udaljenim 6 km sjeverozapadno od Srebrenice nalazi se veliko mezarje u kojem se ukopavaju žrtve ovog stravičnog zločina. Dana 27. jula 2005. godine američki je Zastupnički dom usvojio rezoluciju (H. Res 199, koju su sponzorirali kongresnici Christopher Smith i Benjamin Cardin) i na taj način obilježio desetogodišnjicu pokolja u Srebrenici.

Srebrenica is one of the oldest towns in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Throughout history its name was changed several times and it used to be called Domavia, Argentaria, The area was rich with silver ore and during the Roman empire it was a place where coins were minted. During the aggression war on Bosnia and Herzegovina Srebrenica was designated as a „safe area“ under UN protection. Regardless of this status joint forces of Serbs from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina capture Srebrenica on July 11, 1995. and massacre the civilian Bosniak Muslim population, thereby committing the largest genocide since World War II. In this occassion over 8,000 inhabitants of Srebrenica were cruelly killed. Today, to mark the anniversaries of the genocide on Bosniaks in Srebrenica there is a March of Peace every year from July 8 to July 10. Thousands of people from around the world participate to be a reminder of the vicious crimes and animate all the relevant international institutions to arrest and prosecute those responsible for the committed atrocities. In Potočari, which is 4 miles northwest of Srebrenica, there is a large graveyard where the remains of discovered victims of this mass murder are buried annually. House of Representatives Resolution: On 27 June 2005, the United States House of Representatives passed a resolution (H. Res. 199 sponsored by Congressman Christopher Smith and Congressman Benjamin Cardin) commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide.


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