Guide  to  Europe

Bursa – Muzej Turske i Islamske umjetnosti – Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts

Smješten je u bivšoj zgradi Zelene medrese koja je izgrađena u 15. vijeku, po projektu Hacı İvaz Paşe (Hadži Ivaz Paše). U muzeju su izloženi radovi koji datiraju od 12. do 19. vijeka. Između ostalog možete vidjeti razne vrste metalnih radova, keramičkih predmeta, drvenih radova, ukrase, oružje, rukopise, radove od tkanine, islamski kovani novac, Kuran iz 14. i 15. vijeka, islamske natpise i spomenike sa raznovrsnim etnografskim radovima.

It is located in the former Green madrasa which was built in the 15th century, according to the project by  Hacı Ivaz Pasha. The museum exhibits works dating from the 12th to the 19th century. Among others, you can see various types of metal works, pottery, wood works, ornaments, weapons, manuscripts, works from textile, Islamic coins, the Koran from the 14th and 15th century, Islamic inscriptions and monuments with a variety of ethnographic works.


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