Guide  to  Europe

Istanbul – Kiz Kulesi

Djevojačka kula

Predstavlja jedan od istanbulskih simbola. Smatra se da je prvobitno na ovom mjestu drevni atinski general Alkibijad izgradio carinsku stanicu za brodove koji su dolazili iz Crnog mora. U 12. vijeku za vrijeme Bizanta izgrađena je odbramebena kula za zaštitu Bosfora.  Nakon osvajanja grada od strane Osmanskog carstva kula je rekonstruisana i zadržala je istu namjenu. Pored odbrambene namjene kula je poslije korištena kao svetionik. Potpuno je uništna u požaru koji se desio 1716. godine. Današnja kula izgrađena je 1725., a od 1943. godine drveni zidovi zamjenjeni su betonskim. Poznata je još pod imenom Leanderova kula. Preko puta kule na kopnenoj strani nalazi se naplatna kućica u kojoj možete naručiti prijevoz. U sastavu kule nalazi se kafić i restoran.

Maiden’s Tower

It is one of Istanbul’s symbols. It is believed that the original at this point the ancient Athenian general Alcibiades built a customs station for ships coming from the Black Sea. In the 12th century, during the Byzantine period a defense was built to protect the Bosporus. After the conquest of the city by the Ottoman Empire it was reconstructed and maintained the same purpose. In addition to defensive purposes tower was later used as a lighthouse. It is completely ruined in a fire that occurred in 1716. The current tower was built in 1725, and since 1943 the wooden walls were replaced with concrete. It was known by the name of Leander Tower. Across from the tower on the landward side of the toll house you can order transport. Within the tower there is a cafe and restaurant.




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