Sultan Ahmedova džamija
Izgrađena je u periodu od 1609. do 1616. godine, za vrijeme vladavine Sultana Ahmeta I. Arhitekta je bio Mehmed-aga, učenik arhitekte Mimara Sinana. Poput ostalih džamija izgrađena je kao kompleks sa medresom, bolnicom, bazarom, školom, turbetom i fontanom. Predstavlja jedno od remek djela islamske arhitekture. Sultan Ahmet je umro u Topkapi palati, a pokopan je u turbetu odmah izvan zidina čuvene džamije. Izgrađena je preko puta Aja Sofije, kao odgovor i težnju Sultana Ahmeta I, da se nadmaši slava Justinijanove zadužbine. Blizina Topkapi palate je također utjecala na odabir mjesta za njenu izgradnju. Često se naziva još i Ahmedija ili Plava džamija. Naziv Plava džamija koji je korišten u zapadnom (krščanskom) svijetu dobila je na osnovu 20.000 pločica, izrađenih u Izniku (antičkoj i grčkoj Nikeji) koje su dominirale u unutrašnjosti džamije. Predstavlja jednu od najveličanstvenijih džamija u svijetu i bila je jedina sa šest minareta. Ostale velike džamije u Osmanskom carstvu imale su po 4 ili 2 minareta. Minareti džamije imaju ukupno 16 šerefeta. Tlocrt je skoro četverougaonih dimenzija 51m x 53m. Kupola je visoka 43 sa rasponom od 23,5 metara. Sultan Ahmetova džamija ima izuzetno bogato ukrašen enterijer, sa tri velika ulaza, od kojih je najveći onaj koji se i danas koristi za ulazak u ovu impozantnu građevinu. Zidove krase kaligrafski zapisi koje su izveli najbolji kaligrafi iz 17. stoljeća. Pod džamije je prekriven velikim tepisima mašinske izrade, a prvobitni tepisi bili su ručno izrađeni. Poseban osjećaj i izgled džamije daje 26 mermernih stubova i 260 prozora koji omogućavaju da se svjetlost u džamiji prelama, koji stvaraju posebnu atmosferu za namaz (molitvu).
It was built in the period between 1609 and 1616 during the reign of Sultan Ahmet I. The main architect was Mehmed – ağa, the student of the architect Mimar Sinan. Like the other mosques, this mosque was constructed as a complex of buildings, containing a madrasa, hospital, bazaar, school, tomb and fountain. It represents a masterpiece of Islamic architecture. Sultan Ahmet died in Topkapi Palace and was buried just outside the walls of this magnificent mosque. It was built right across Ayasofya, to please the wish of Sultan Ahmet I to excel the glory of Justinian’s legacy. The nearness of the Topkapi Palace also influenced the choice of location for its construction. It is often also called Ahmed Mosque or Blue Mosque. The name Blue Mosque, used by the western (Christian) world, was given based on the 20 000 tiles, made in Iznik (ancient and Greek Nicaea), which dominated the mosque’s interior. It represents one of the most magnificent mosques in the world and it was the only mosque in the world with six minarets. Other great mosques in the Ottoman Empire had 2 or 4 minarets. The minarets of the mosque have 16 balconies in total. The layout is almost of foursquare dimensions, 51m x 53 m. The dome is 43 meters high, with a diameter of 23.5 meters. The Sultan Ahmed Mosque has a very lavishly decorated interior and three great entrances, of which the biggest one is used today for entering this impressive building. The walls are decorated by calligraphy painted by the best calligraphists of the 17th century. The floor of the mosque is covered by large machine – made rugs, but the original rugs were handcrafted. A special feeling and look to the mosque is given by the 26 marble pillars and 260 windows, which enable light in the mosque to refract, thus creating a special atmosphere during the namaz (prayer).