Obilaskom džamije nastavljamo u pravcu Kujundžijske ulice, kojoj dolazimo do kule Tara izgrađene 1676. godine. Služila je kao skladište municije i baruta. Danas su u kuli na pet etaža izložene postavke od neolita do kasnog srednjeg vijeka, 16. vijek u osmanskom periodu, kako je nastao Stari most, razvoj mostarske čaršije, štitovi, topovska đulad… Iznad pete etaže nalazi se vidikovac sa kojeg se pruža predivan pogled na grad.
Drugi dio muzeja je arheologija o Starom mostu. U temeljima mosta nalazi se prolaz koji sadrži iskopine iz srednjeg vijeka, osmanskog i austrougarskog perioda. Predmeti koji su pronađeni u prolazu izloženi su u kuli. Obilaskom arheologije šetnju nastavljamo labirintom gdje je nakon rata bio postavljen privremeni most preko Neretve. U labirintu su se nalazili dućani sve do rekonstrukcije mosta.
Stari Most
Izgrađen je u periodu od 1557. do 1566. godine po nalogu Sultana Sulejmana Veličanstvnog, po projektu Mimara Hayredina mlađeg. Uvršten je na UNESCO-ovu listu svjetske kulturne baštine…
Prelaskom preko mosta dolazimo do kule Halebija u kojoj se nalazi izložba ratnih fotografija, koje je uslikao Wade Goddard za New York Times i druge svjetske novinske kuće. Na kuli se nalazi čardak iz kojeg možete uživati u pogledu na Stari most.
Radno vrijeme: Kule Tara i Halebija: utorak-nedjelja 10:00-18:00, ponedjeljkom zatvorene
After the visit to this mosque we continue in the direction of the Kujundžijska Street, by which we reach the Tara Tower built in 1676, which was used as a warehouse for ammunition and powder. Today there are five levels of exhibits from the Neolithic era until the Late Middle Ages, the 16th century of the Ottoman period, how the Old bridge was constructed, the development of the Mostar čaršija, shields, cannon balls… Above the fifth level there is a lookout from which there is a beautiful view of the city.
The second part of the museum is dedicated to the archaeology of the Old bridge. Inside the foundations of the bridge there is a passage withexcavationsfrom the Middle Ages, the Ottoman period and the Austro-Hungarian period. The items which were discovered in the passage are displayed in the tower. After we have explored the archeological artefacts we continue walking through the labyrinth where after the 1992-1995 war there was a temporary bridge over Neretva. Inside the labyrinth there were shops until the reconstruction of the bridge.
Old Bridge
It was built in the period from 1557 to 1566 by the order of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent and by the project of Mimar Hajrudin Jr. It is part of the UNESCO world cultural heritage…
By crossing the bridge we reach the Halebija Tower where photographs from the recent war are displayed and which were taken by Wade Goddard for the New York Times and other publications. There is a čardak (viewpoint)on the tower from which you can enjoy the view of the Old bridge.
Working hours of the Tara and Halebija towers: Tuesday-Sunday 10:00 a.m. -06:00 pm., closed on Mondays.
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