Naziv Stolac potiče iz 15. vijeka, no kroz historiju imao je nekoliko naziva. Smatra se da je najstariji naziv ovog grada Daorsoon po ilirskom gradu Daorsonu u Ošanjićima iz 4. vijeka p.n.e. Zatim njegov drugi naziv potiče iz rimskog perioda i zvao se Dilintum, gdje su pronađeni ostaci, nekoliko stambenih zgrada i dvije terme čiji su podovi obloženi mozaikom. Iz perioda kasne antike sredinom 4. vijeka koje je značajno po izgradnji kastruma (vojnih utvrda) imao je naziv castrum Vidoskij i loco dicto Stolaz, pa Vidosich, Vidoski grad, Osmansko Ilce i IIstolce, potom Vidoska i konačno Stolac. Kroz grad teče rijeka Bregava, lijeva pritoka rijeke Neretve. Znamenitosti ovog grada nalaze se od 1980. godine pod zaštitom UNESCO-a.
The name of the town of Stolac is from the 15th century, but throughout history it had several names. It is considered that the older name of this town is Daorson in Ošanjići from the 4th century B.C. Its second name is from the Roman period when it was called Dilintum from which remains of several residential buildings were discovered and two thermal baths with floors covered with mosaic decorations. From the period of Late Antiquity of the 4th century during which castrums(military forts) were built, Stolac was called castrum Vidoskij and loco dicto Stolac, then Vidosić, Vidoski grad, Osman Ilce and IIstolce, and afterwards Vidoska and finally Stolac. The river Bregava which is the left tributary of Neretva, runs through the town. The landmarks of this town are under UNESCO protection since 1980.