Hutovo blato je park prirode koji se nalazi na jugoistoku Hercegovine. Stanište je brojnih biljnih i životinjskih vrsta. Smatra jednim od najvećih zimovališta ptica na području Evrope. Sva jezera Hutova blata međusobno su povezana velikim brojem kanala i jaruga. Međunarodni Savjet za zaštitu ptica (ICBP) uvrstio je 1998. god. “Hutovo blato” u listu međunarodno važnih staništa ptica. Godine 2001. god. Park prirode “Hutovo blato” upisan u listu močvara od međunarodne važnosti po metodologij Ramsarske konvencije i registrovan je pri UNESCO-vom Direktoratu u Parizu.
Hutovo blato is a natural park which is in the southeastern part of Herzegovina. It is a habitat of numerous floral and animal kinds. It is considered one of the largest winter habitats of birds in Europe. All the lakes of Hutovo blato are interconnected by channels and gullies. International Counsel for Bird Protection (ICBP) proclaimed Hutovo blato on the list of the internationally important bird habitats. In accordance with the RAMSAR convention methodology it is registered on the list of swamps with international importance in 2001. and also is registered in UNESCO directorium in Paris.
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Hutovo blato