Nalazi se u istočnom dijelu Bosne i Hercegovine na obali rijeke Drine. Najpoznatija gradska znamenitost je most Mehmed-paše Sokolovića izgrađen u periodu od 1571. do 1577. godine po projektu najpoznatijeg osmanskog arhitekte Kodža Mimar Sinana (Koca Mimar Sinan) na mjestu gdje je put povezivao Bosnu s Carigradom. Most se sastoji od dvanaest lučnih otvora. Tokom svoje dugogodišnje historije most je izdržao nekoliko velikih poplava.
It is in the east part of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the shore of the Drina river. The most famous object in the town is the bridge of Mehmet-pasha Sokolu which was built in the period from 1571 to 1577 by the project of the most famous Ottoman architect Koca Mimar Sinan in the place which connected Bosnia with Istanbul. The bridge consists of twelve arched openings. During its long history it survived several large floods.