Projekat vijećnice započeo je Karlo Paržik 1891. godine s trouglastim oblikom koji nije bio prihvaćen od strane tadašnjeg ministra. Projekat su nastavili Alexandar Wittek i Ćiril Iveković. Vijećnica je završena 1896. godine u pseudomaurskom stilu, koja je građena po uzoru na maursku arhitekturu u Kairu i Alhambri, a stubovi vijećnice podsjećaju na polihromne stubove džamije u Kordobi…
The project for the Vijećnica was initiated by Karlo Paržik in 1891 with a suggested triangular shape but it was not accepted by the minister at the time. The project was continued by Alexander Wittek and Ćiril Iveković. Vijećnica was completed in 1896 in the Pseudo-Moorish style which was built according to the Moorish architecture in Cairo and Alhambra and the columns of the city hall are reminiscent of the polychromatic columns of the Cordoba Mosque…
Sarajevo 2 (4)
Naslovna vodič