Simbol Konjica je Stara kamena ćuprija, izgrađena 1682. godine za vrijeme vladavine Sultana Mehmeda IV i u tom periodu predstavljala je pravo remek-djelo. Godine 1945. prilikom povlačenja njemačke vojske teško je oštećena. Na ostacima mosta (stubovima) izgrađen je betonski most, preko kojeg se odvijao saobraćaj. Rekonstrukcija mosta završena je 2009. godine, kada mu je vraćen izvorni izgled.
The symbol of the town is the Old Stone Bridge, built in 1682 during the rule of Sultan Mehmed IV and even at the time it was considered a real master-piece. In the year 1945 while the German army was retreating it was heavily damaged. On the remains of the bridge (the supporting columns) a concrete bridge was built which allowed traffic. The reconstruction of the bridge was completed in 2009 when the original look was restored.
Konjic 223
Konjic Kamena ćuprija