Trebinje je grad smješten na jugu Bosne i Hercegovine, u podnožju planine Leotar, kroz kojeg protiče rijeka Trebišnjica. Naselja na mjestu današnjeg grada datiraju još od vremena Ilira. Grad nastaje u trenutku kada se Osmansko carstvo povlači iz Herceg Novog. Tada se počinje graditi Trebinje, koje je nosilo prvi naziv Banj Vir. Oko grada napravljene su zidine, a kasnije je, da bi grad bio bezbjedan, prokopan kanal zvani Hendek, u kojeg je dovedena voda iz rijeke Trebišnjice, a preko njega je bio postavljen drveni pokretni most, koji se dizao i spuštao po potrebi. Dolaskom austrougarske izgrađen je prvi pontonski most od drveta koji je služio za prelazak preko rijeke Trebišnjice. Od granice sa Republikom Hrvatskom udaljen je oko 16 km, a od grada Dubrovnika oko 30 km…
Trebinje is a town in the south of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the baseof the mountain Leotar through which the river Trebišnjica flows. The sites of the town are from the Ilyrian period. The city was created when the Ottoman empire was retreating from Herzeg Novi. This is when the building of the town of Trebinje began, which was initially called Banj Vir. Around the town there are fortification walls and later a moat (Hendek) was built to enhance the town defences. The water for the moat was brought from the river Trebišnjica and over it a wooden drawbridge was built which was opened and closed as needed. With the arrival of the Austro-Hungarian empire the first pontoon bridge was built from wood which was used for crossing the river Trebišnjica. It is at a distance of 16 kilometers from the Republic of Croatia and about 30 kilometers from the town of Dubrovnik…
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